After some months' absence, I've finally gotten back to working on Henry's papers. Among them, I found what I thought was a photo, but turns out to be the postal (postcard) photo that Henry was talking about having had taken. Henry is pictured on the right. I do not know who the other gentleman on the card is, but, since he is unidentified, he is undoubtedly someone familiar to Camilla. Perhaps the Dr. Cross he has mentioned?
DC:-Probability is that house cannot be had before Sept now. When Does Gertrude want you north? Would cost you six dollars fare etc. Mrs. Hursley offered their cottage in cove til 15th if you cared to come over and visit your Hickory friends. Dr. Cross wants me this AM for some purpose. I will inclose [?] herewith. What do you think of gentlemen on other side? Do not figure on house before Sept is best then if it comes sooner well. [ ?] change.
DC:-Probability is that house cannot be had before Sept now. When Does Gertrude want you north? Would cost you six dollars fare etc. Mrs. Hursley offered their cottage in cove til 15th if you cared to come over and visit your Hickory friends. Dr. Cross wants me this AM for some purpose. I will inclose [?] herewith. What do you think of gentlemen on other side? Do not figure on house before Sept is best then if it comes sooner well. [ ?] change.
The mention of Hickory refers to Hickory Corners, Michigan, where they lived previous to their move to Bellevue. I think this may be the house that Camilla and the girls stayed in on vacation, so the card is probably from earlier in August.
Next we have a letter dated August 31, 1918.
Camp Greenleaf, M.O.T.C.
Chickamauga Park, Ga.
August 31, 1918
D.C.: Another week gone by and very fast. Yesterday we had review. Full description found in clipping enclosed herewith. Geo Brown of B. Gazette might be interested. Call him up and ask him if he wants to use it as a news item.
Dr. Staley of Charlotte called on me today. He is in charge of mule drawn ambulance division. Nice fellow. Says he was only here ten days when assigned. He was in same barracks with Dr. Cross.
We are supposed to have time off from Saturday noon to Tues morning. I had two letters from Jay Lawrence Friday. Says he will probably [be] with us before long and doesn't like the idea.
I guess I told you about my first ride. I had the worst acting horse in the outfit. He was everywhere but where he was supposed to be. Several wished to trade but I stuck to him and as a result traveled about twice as far as the rest of the battalion.
By the way I understood from Marion that she lost her purse with eleven dollars while on the boat. That was the day following the one I left. She evidently didn't have time to spend it and didn't wish to tell Frances after what we said about Uncle Jim's put up money.
It is somewhat distracting to try to write in a room with thirty five others talking.
I think it is a good idea for you to encourage Gramp in going south this winter and closing or renting house.
You will become quite a business woman if you keep on.
Better get Haight, Stevens, or Hoyt to take you to Custer. Fix up a list beforehand and pay cash. Better stock up before roads get bad. Any one of the above mentioned will be only to[o] glad to take you over if you give them a day or so warning and choice of time.
I mailed photos to you on Thursday. Let me know if they arrived OK. Must write some other letters now. Love and kisses to the family.
An interesting sidenote to this letter is the mention of Dr. Staley of Charlotte, MI. I went to high school with Laurie Staley in Grand Ledge, MI, which is very near by, so I'm wondering if he is her ancestor. I'll ask and let you know if he is. That would be very cool to find out they served in the war together.
The Frances who is mentioned would be Henry's older sister nearest in age. Uncle Jim would be his oldest brother. Gramp would be Camilla's recently-widowed father, John Wesley Knaggs.(His wife, May Stocking Knaggs, died in 1917.) He eventually retired to Florida full time. Marion is my grandmother, Henry's oldest daughter.
"Custer" is Fort Custer, which is near Battle Creek, MI. They would have wanted to stock up at the PX there for winter. In Michigan, they would have been thinking of it already, since winter descends there quickly and it often snows before the end of September.
In the next installment, we'll hear from Camilla, since I'll be covering a letter she wrote that was returned to her. In it, she talks about the trip to Fort Custer.