Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Daily Life and Family Business

 After some months' absence, I've finally gotten back to working on Henry's papers. Among them, I found what I thought was a photo, but turns out to be the postal (postcard) photo that Henry was talking about having had taken. Henry is pictured on the right. I do not know who the other gentleman on the card is, but, since he is unidentified, he is undoubtedly someone familiar to Camilla. Perhaps the Dr. Cross he has mentioned?

DC:-Probability is that house cannot be had before Sept now. When Does Gertrude want you north? Would cost you six dollars fare etc. Mrs. Hursley offered their cottage in cove til 15th if you cared to come over and visit your Hickory friends. Dr. Cross wants me this AM for some purpose. I will inclose [?] herewith. What do you think of gentlemen on other side? Do not figure on house before Sept is best then if it comes sooner well. [ ?] change. 

The mention of Hickory refers to Hickory Corners, Michigan, where they lived previous to their move to Bellevue. I think this may be the house that Camilla and the girls stayed in on vacation, so the card is probably from earlier in August.
Next we have a letter dated August 31, 1918.

Camp Greenleaf, M.O.T.C.
Chickamauga Park, Ga. 

August 31, 1918
D.C.:  Another week gone by and very fast. Yesterday we had review. Full description found in clipping enclosed herewith. Geo Brown of B. Gazette might be interested. Call him up and ask him if he wants to use it as a news item.

Dr. Staley of Charlotte called on me today. He is in charge of mule drawn ambulance division. Nice fellow. Says he was only here ten days when assigned. He was in same barracks with Dr. Cross.

We are supposed to have time off from Saturday noon to Tues morning. I had two letters from Jay Lawrence Friday. Says he will probably [be] with us before long and doesn't like the idea.

I guess I told you about my first ride. I had the worst acting horse in the outfit. He was everywhere but where he was supposed to be. Several wished to trade but I stuck to him and as a result traveled about twice as far as the rest of the battalion.

By the way I understood from Marion that she lost her purse with eleven dollars while on the boat. That was the day following the one I left. She evidently didn't have time to spend it and didn't wish to tell Frances after what we said about Uncle Jim's put up money.

It is somewhat distracting to try to write in a room with thirty five others talking.

I think it is a good idea for you to encourage Gramp in going south this winter and closing or renting house.

You will become quite a business woman if you keep on.

Better get Haight, Stevens, or Hoyt to take you to Custer. Fix up a list beforehand and pay cash. Better stock up before roads get bad. Any one of the above mentioned will be only to[o] glad to take you over if you give them a day or so warning and choice of time.

I mailed photos to you on Thursday. Let me know if they arrived OK. Must write some other letters now. Love and kisses to the family.

An interesting sidenote to this letter is the mention of Dr. Staley of Charlotte, MI. I went to high school with Laurie Staley in Grand Ledge, MI, which is very near by, so I'm wondering if he is her ancestor. I'll ask and let you know if he is. That would be very cool to find out they served in the war together.
The Frances who is mentioned would be Henry's older sister nearest in age. Uncle Jim would be his oldest brother. Gramp would be Camilla's recently-widowed father, John Wesley Knaggs.(His wife, May Stocking Knaggs, died in 1917.) He eventually retired to Florida full time. Marion is my grandmother, Henry's oldest daughter.

"Custer" is Fort Custer, which is near Battle Creek, MI. They would have wanted to stock up at the PX there for winter. In Michigan, they would have been thinking of it already, since winter descends there quickly and it often snows before the end of September. 

In the next installment, we'll hear from Camilla, since I'll be covering a letter she wrote that was returned to her. In it, she talks about the trip to Fort Custer.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Back at Camp Greenleaf

Now that I've sorted out Henry's birth family a bit, we'll return to "present day" World War I. If you recall, when we last heard from him, Henry had been on a weekend pass to Chattanooga for a little rest and relaxation. He hadn't gotten mail from home for a week. The following letter indicates that the family went on vacation to Three Rivers, MI.

Three Rivers is a small town located near Noah Lake, about 50 miles southwest of Bellevue, which is just north of Battle Creek. The family had recently lived in Three Rivers, and had only been living in Bellevue for about a year when Henry went off to war.

 Bat. 5, Co. 19
Camp Greenleaf M.O.T.C.
Chicamauga Park, Ga.

Dear C: Your from 3 Rs came this afternoon. Was very glad to know that you were having a good time with your friends. I had a letter from Marion and Jim on Sunday. How long were you at 3 Rs? I hope to send you picture of my entire company. You will find Dr. Tower in the line. He has been assigned to all parts of the US and finally here. They all have to come here I understand.

So Faith thinks too many stones were thrown in lake. That isn't only place.

I guess I am too tired to write entertaining letters. How did you find Bowies?

Fire ins papers are in file with office material. Life Ins card at home office as there is loan you know. 

Well tell me all the home news.


Marion is Henry's eldest daughter, my grandmother. She is a young lady of fifteen when Henry is at camp. If I were to guess, I'd say Jim is Henry's oldest brother. He never married. Below is a photograph of the entire camp at the time Henry was there, found in the Army Medical Corps archives.

 I can't be absolutely certain, but I think this is Henry, right in the front row, fourth to the left of the righthand panel.


The following letter seems to be written around the same time as the undated letter above, so I've included them both in the same envelope.

Camp Greenleaf M.O.T.C.
Chicamauga Park, Ga.
Aug 27th 1918

Dear Camilla: I presume that you have been home long enough now to have reviewed yours letters that accumulated. Have you written Marion and did you send her any money. Poor kid must have been busted for some time.

Work here has eased off somewhat. Maybe only seems so.

Have two good pictures to send you. One of the company (19) and the other of review of entire Medical Officers at Camp Greenleaf. You will get an idea from lat(t)er as to the number of Doctors on the job and more are coming. The building about in center is executive office and auditorium for camp. Battalion 5 is behind pole on right. You might let Dr Haight and Miss Sellers have a look at them.

I had a letter from Dr. Wasson enquiring about drugs. Any that you do not want he will be welcome to. You might call him up a(nd) tell him so if drugs are accessable[sp]. Otherwise not.

Life Ins. receipt are in letter file. Lights out.


The second page of the letter is dated the next day, so it clearly wasn't in the same envelope as the undated one, since the envelope I've included is postmarked 8/27.

Wed Aug 28th 1918

D.C.: Your letter with enclosures just received. Once again I will state Life Ins Policy is at home office of Co. Receipts are Accident Policy is NG now that I am in Army. If you have remitted for it notify them of fact and ask return of premium and cancellation of policy. I haven't received any Bellevue Gazett(e)s as of yet. Send me a Free Press 2 or 3 times weekly. Never mind Med Journals unless you wish to cut out Honor Roll and assignments.

You have done very well with collections. Watkins Drug Bill is OK I guess. You can look in file and see if receipt is there. If not found send ck for same. I presume it quite relief to Byingtons.

Did you ever get your pass to Custer? Quiz going on that diverts my attention. My postal photos were NG.

Marion said her snap view of me was not good.

I haven't had a chance to do up large pictures as yet. On Friday we have a review of entire outfit at Oglethorpe in honor of Dr. Mayo. It means a long hard drill and one or two extra drills. Everyone feels the tension.

What are Marions plans for return? When does school start? Give Margret any(an) extra kiss for me. Good night.


Helen writes later of how close and loving the family is, and I can see how much Henry already misses his family and friends at home. The Free Press refers to the Detroit Free Press. Detroit is close to Bay City, and Henry was there for medical school. By this time, I believe all of his siblings live there, as well.

Camilla is reputed to be notoriously bad at math, so that would explain Henry's ongoing coaching regarding her takeover of the family finances. 

The mention of Dr. Mayo is notable. I assume he means the founder of the Mayo Clinic. I haven't reviewed the history of the clinic yet, but I imagine that's what I'll find.

On that, I'll close. There are five more letters and two postcards from Henry before he leaves Camp Greenleaf. There is also a letter from Camilla which was returned to her because he was transferred.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Catching up and correcting

My trip to Florida provided me with a veritable goldmine of information on Henry. Much of what I learned was found in a book my great-aunt Helen Rambow, Henry's second daughter, wrote in 1984, entitled "More Off Center". When presented with conflicting genealogical data, I mostly have to defer to her, since she was actually there, even though I did find a few definite inaccuracies.

One of the questions I had was whether Henry, who was, indeed, called "Harry" by family and friends, had enlisted in the Army or was drafted. I suspected from his letters that he had enlisted, even though he was a family man with four children. That question was laid to rest in Helen's book. She writes, "Our doctor-father went to France to head a Base Hospital during World War I, finding four exemptions poor excuse to ignore his duty to his country. I recall his terse postal card message to my Mother, re-read and cherished through the years as his answer to his country's call. 'This is not the time for personal plans of happiness. Until the world comes to its senses, we have no right to have our own dreams come true.'" We have been unable to find a draft record for Henry. Based on the above, and things he says in his letters, I now believe he enlisted.

I also have more definitive information on Henry's birth family, as well. The family we found living in Bay City in 1880 was definitely his, as was the family in 1870. My aunt believed that all of the children were born in Canada, but we now know that not to be the case. By comparing her recollections and research with what we've found, this is what we know with reasonable certainty:

Henry's grandfather, Murdock MacLennan, emigrated to Canada in the early 1800s from Tain, Scotland with his two brothers, Andrew Jr. and Donald. Later, their parents, Andrew Sr. and Margaret, along with their sister Jessica, emigrated as well. We don't know Henry's grandmother's name, but his father, John James (not Thomas John or T.J.), was born in London, Ontario on April 9, 1840. Henry's mother was Marion Hornby, born in Montreal, Quebec in 1841.

John James and Marion emigrated to Bay City, MI with their two children, James Murdock and William Nelthorpe MacLennan, and John's brother, Andrew Jr., sometime after 1863 and before 1870. Sister Alice Marion came along on August 22 of 1870, followed by another sister (not a brother, as one census indicated), Frances Rayne on January 7, 1874. Finally, Henry, the baby, came along in 1875, and the family was complete. Here is a picture of his sister Frances, taken around the turn of the century:

We also know that both of Henry's parents had died by the time he was nineteen. He used his inheritance of $4,000 to attend medical school. The relative worth of the inheritance in 1900 is over $100,000 in today's dollars, so they weren't poor.  Especially considering that medical school tuition at that time was about $200/year. It seems the lumber mercantile business that John James engaged in was quite profitable. Each of his children inherited the same amount, according to family oral history.

I also learned that Henry did move to Bay Mills, MI after medical school and prior to marrying Camilla in 1901.  Bay Mills is up near present-day Sault St. Marie, in Chippewa county. My grandmother, May Marion, was born there in 1903. Sometime between then and 1906, when Helen was born, they moved to Battle Creek, MI. Below is a picture of my grandmother with Camilla's father, John Wesley Knaggs, husband of suffragette May Stocking Knaggs.

And on that, I will close this entry, lest we all get terribly confused.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Henry Settles in at Training Camp

The first segment of Henry's military tour is spent at Camp Greenleaf, which is a medical officers' training camp attached to Fort Oglethorpe, Chickamauga National Park, Georgia. The fort is located just south of the Tennessee border, about 8 miles almost due south of Chattanooga, TN. The previous card and letter I posted are from Henry's first days at this camp. He was stationed there for one month.

I managed to find a very detailed explanation of the camp and how it was organized in the U.S. Army Medical Department archives. The report matches Henry's reporting exactly. At this time in history, medical officer training was combined with basic training, which is why there is no mention of "basic" in Henry's letters. They received basic training during the day, attended lectures and classes, and then were quizzed in the barracks at night.

The following two post cards are not dated or postmarked. I'm guessing at when they were written and inserting them in the timeline between his first full letter of August 17th, and the next one, which will follow these cards.

Dear Helen (Second daughter, age 11):  This hotel is on top of the mountain. Nice place to spend weekends. There are many pretty houses about this hotel! Lots of white children with nigger mammys are about the lawns. 

Next week I may send you and sisters some souvenirs.

About time I had a line from you.

(front of card, text) Signal Mountain Inn, Near Chattanooga, Tenn.
(back of card, text) Signal Mountain all-year-round resort, forty minutes from Chattanooga by electric car or automobile, is one of the genuine surprises and treats for visitors. Although so convenient, and connected by modern transportation, it is amid rugged scenery. Two thousand feet altitude explains its cool, healthful air, and fine water. The hotel and many bungalows are built of pink sandstone.

D.C.: -If you remove horses from picture and imagine strong enough you can see me drilling for 2 hours every morning this week on this lawn.

Up and down we go from one end to another until the fat fellow(s) have to fall out . Several are liable to be cut loose at any moment.

No news for wk from you.

(front, text) "Cavalry Charge," U.S. Cavalry, Ft. Oglethorpe, Near Chattanooga, Tenn.

Envelope: Grand Hotel (fireproof), C.A. Brelsford, Proprietor, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Postmarked Chattanooga, Tenn., August 25, 6 p.m., 1918 
Mrs. H E Mac Lennan, Bellevue, Mich.

Aug 23d, 1918

Dear Camilla: I am off on a bum for 24 hrs. Just to get away from same gang. I went up to the top of Signal Mt. this afternoon. It is a beautiful ride and more attractive on arrival. Evidently it is The Swell Resort. Big hotel very much dress and the only good looking women I have seen since coming South. Most of look as though they had the hook worm.

I am stopping at above named hotel. It is Grand in name only.

The South looks dirty and bedraggled as far as habitations are concerned. If one were rich and could have a beautiful house in Mountain it would be very fine. No southern town for mine otherwise. Heat here I do not notice as much as at home.

We get our fill of drill, lectures, quizes and more of thence. Food is fine and agress[sp] with all. I think I am gaining in weight although I wouldn't look it.

I wouldn't do anything more about statements until 1st of Sept then look accounts over and handle them according to age, payments etc. A little tact firmness will bring results on most of them. I have just about enough to last until pay day.

I would try if I were in your place to keep enough coming in so as you will not have to ek[sp] out until pay day. On first of Sept or last of this month take Bank book in to be balanced. You can get it after a couple days and you will know just how much you have on hand.

As I have a rondevoux with theatre I must beg out. Goodnight and all


Considering all that was written in the above three missives, I'm going to guess that the postcards were included in the envelope of the letter.

His observations about the south remind me that this was still very much the post-Civil War depression in that region. If my American history serves me, I think that World War I saw the beginnings of the end of that economic depression in the south. The cotton industry would have gone into overdrive to supply uniforms and bedding for the troops, and many forts, including Oglethorpe, were being hastily erected to serve the military demand for training and deployment.

Henry would have been quite familiar with the look of a person with hookworm by this point in his journey. The aforementioned report on the medical camp specifically mentions that soldiers were screened for it, and if positive, quarantined and treated for hookworm, automatically so if they came from areas known to have infestations.

I was glad to see he got a little rest and relaxation while he was at camp. I've glanced ahead a bit, and he's going to need it. Off to Florida for me now. I hope to post a bit while I'm gone, but if not, look for me next week, hopefully armed with all new gems of information.

Birth Family Background

I spent the weekend trying to track down Henry's birth family on genealogy and history websites in order to try to get a more complete picture of his early life. Thanks to the mad genealogy skills of my husband John, we've got a fair certainty of who his family was. Also thanks to my dear mother, Marion Joanne (Lahr) Wank. The memories she has have been invaluable in tracing down different threads and coming to a reasonable conclusion in the research. Note to readers: If you have older or elderly family members, get their oral history documented while you can. Even if you aren't currently researching your family, you or one of your relatives will someday be glad you did. And don't throw away any old documents that have names, dates, and places attached. You never know what clue they may hold. Digitize, digitize, digitize!

I will also note that what started as an amusing hobby is rapidly turning into a full-time job. I've begun to realize why family genealogists all seem to be retired. I did some genealogy back before there were huge amounts of files on the internet, and that involved even more work and time. I'm in awe of documentary editors who did this work prior to the digital age.

What we now know (please add "with reasonable certainty" to that phrase when I use it) is that Henry was the youngest of five siblings born to Scottish-Canadian immigrants Thomas John(T.J.) MacLennan and May Marion (Ermina) Castle. T.J. and Marion emigrated with T.J.'s brother, Andrew, from Canada when the two oldest boys, James and William, were very young, in the late 1860s. The US Federal Census of 1870 has them in Bay City, MI and lists them as all born in Canada. The boys were then six and five years old, respectively. A subsequent census lists T.J. as having parents born in Scotland, so that branch of the family probably didn't stay in Canada for more than a generation.

The census lists T.J. as being 30 that year, so he was born circa 1840. His occupation is described as "Lumber Merchant", which lines up with my mother's recollection that Henry came from a family who worked at a lumber mill. T.J.'s brother, Andrew, was 33, and he is listed as a cabinetmaker. Bay City was a booming lumber town in this era, with numerous sawmills lining the Saginaw River. It may be that, as a lumber merchant, T.J. emigrated in order to deal in Canadian timber, considered superior to lower Michigan timber. The importation of Canadian timber was common until 1909, when an embargo shut this practice down. The last of the big sawmills closed and was demolished in 1935.

Marion's age is listed as 29 in 1870, but her age changes in subsequent censuses. Her death record indicates that she was born in 1837, so there could be some gallantry of the time involved in the reporting. T.J.'s age remains consistent, so it's possible she was a bit older than he was.

Over the next ten years, three more children were born to the couple. The next child, Alice M., was born on August 22, 1870, two months after the census was taken on the 6th of June. You will hear more about Alice later, as she is mentioned in both Henry's, and one of Camilla's, letters, and my mother remembers someone matching her data. After Alice came Francis (Frank) Joseph, born on January 7, 1873. Lastly, we come to Henry (aka "Harry"), who, as we already knew, was born on February 17, 1875. The entire family shows up in the 1880 census, which has the first mention of T.J.'s parents being born in Scotland. Different censuses required different information to be gathered. So, there were eleven or twelve years separating Henry from his eldest brother, James.

We lose track of T.J. around this time, and we know that Marion remarries. Her name was Decker at her death. We also know that Henry was in medical school at about 1900, and married Camilla around 1901, and he is located in a city directory in Battle Creek, Michigan in 1905. May Marion(II), my grandmother, was born in Bay City, when Henry was working as a doctor in a sawmill. Helen was born in Battle Creek in 1907.

There's still a lot more searching to do to connect the dots from 1880 to 1905, but that's the gist of where Henry came from. I'll post a little more of the WWI correspondence before the day is over. Tomorrow I'm off to Florida to visit my sister, who has some more correspondence, memorabilia, and pictures which should help fill in Henry's post-war years a bit. If we're very lucky, there may be some earlier clues in her files as well.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Off to War

Today I sorted both the letters and the postcards by date, the latter only roughly. As it turns out, Henry would use postcards as stationery then mail them in an envelope. Most of the envelopes are gone, and many of the cards are marked as subsequent to the first page, so I still have to match those up to the original "first page". Even so, a picture of him during this time is beginning to emerge.

After I closed the blog last night, I found out that Henry and Camilla are buried in Bellevue Riverside Cemetery. Mom tells me they had a gun salute from both sides of the river at his funeral. Camilla took care of my mother for the first twelve years of Mom's life while her mother, Marion MacLennan Lahr, worked. So Mom heard some family stories. She also told me it wasn't Henry who lost an arm and was an inventor. It was Camilla's father, John Wesley Knaggs, who lost an arm in the Civil War. That explains why Henry has both arms in this picture.
Mom also told me that Henry and Camilla were neighbors growing up in, I think, Bay Mills, MI, but it might be Bay City. She said that John Knaggs owned a lumber mill, so if Henry worked as a doctor at one, it was probably his father-in-law's. If I can track down the lumber mill, or get Henry's death certificate, that should help. I'm sending off for that, and his military service record, now that I know when and where he served.

That also takes me back to when the military picture I posted yesterday was taken. If Henry was in WWI in 1918, he would have been 43. He looks a lot younger in the military picture, so maybe he did serve in the Spanish-American War, even if it does conflict with his time in medical school. I'll have to look into that further. If they were childhood sweethearts, it makes sense that Camilla's picture is joined to his. Also, I don't see any evidence that he went to basic training, only to Medical Officer's Training Camp. If he re-enlisted, that would explain it.

Just trying to sort all this out in my head makes me cross-eyed. I also just got a new scanner, courtesy of my loving husband. The one I had isn't nearly good enough for the sheer volume of what I have to scan in. Speaking of which, here is the first post card.


Dear C.(Camilla)-Arrived on schedule. I think it is about the dirtiest ride known. Am about to go out to camp. Met a couple nice fellows from Olivet. Will write more later. Mac

He signed almost all of his letters and cards "Mac". The post card is of General Bragg's Headquarters, Missionary Ridge, near Chattanooga, TN.

The next letter that is dated is from August 17. There are a number of postcards with no date that may fit into the gap.
Camp Greenleaf, Ga. 8-17-18

D.C.:  Spectacles and handkerchiefs arrived OK on Saturday. Your letter is the only one I have received so far. I presume children are having a good time at Fishers Lake.

I completed my course in gas drill today and received certificate for same. It is some course covering a period of one week. No one is allowed to miss it. I went through the gas house this morning. That being the final test.

I haven't anything much to do but work and work some more. I haven't planned on getting pass for this week but will do so next week. Sunday I act as OD (Officer of the Day) or house dog for the barrax[sp]. My duties consist of staying on premises, keeping water tank filled and iced and barking every time a stranger approaches. I do not leave the building except that I place a substitute in charge. They tell me that gas week is the most difficult week of all. I just ran from one drill or lecture to another with no time for study. I will get a copy of songs that are popular here and send them to Helen.

I had some postal photos taken today. Yours probably will not get to for about one week as I do not get them til next Wed.

Faith has discovered an easy way to keep from being spanked. You tell her that maybe that would work with mother but father is another matter.

After arriving I discovered that sheets for cot can be purchased at [2M] for about a Dollar. Outing flannel blanket is only one I have used. Weather has been about as Mary described it in Florida. My skin has been wet for one week.

Have you received any money from Howe Pierce? If not keep after him as he probably has money at present. Mrs. Brady will gladly pay her bill any time though recently made. Next pay day get after Jas. Westwood acct. Put on a long face and tell them you must have. 

Well so long wifekins and kids Did you receive pass.

Yours affect,
Address Cpt. H E M L Camp Greenleaf, Ga
Bat. #5 Co 19

 Helen is his second daughter, aged 11 at this time and a flute player. Faith is the youngest, aged 4. I'm starting to see he had a sense of humor. I'd have been surprised if he didn't, since our family seems to have always had a strongly humorous streak running throughout. On this I'll close.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

What I Know Now

I never knew Henry MacLennan. He was born on February 17, 1875 and he died on April 14, 1924, long before my birth in 1958. He was only forty-nine years old. My mother was told that he died of a stroke. My grandmother, his eldest daughter, would have been twenty-one at the time, and the youngest of her three sisters, my great-aunt Faith, would have been nine or ten.

Above is a photo of him, and my great-grandmother, Dimies "Camilla" Knaggs MacLennan. My mother always says I look like her, and even I can see the resemblance in our profiles. I've been unable to find a marriage record for them, but we think they were married in 1900, three years before my grandmother's birth. My mother thinks that this is a Spanish-American war photo.  It's much more likely that this is his military photo from WWI, since it was joined with hers and they were married then. He should have been in medical school during the Spanish-American war.

Henry was a physician who studied at Detroit Medical College, now Wayne State University College of Medicine, and graduated circa 1900. This coincides with the year we think he married and makes sense to me. Based on my current research, the school began requiring four, rather than two, years of study at around that time, which would have him graduating at age twenty-five.

Address records put him and Camilla in Battle Creek, Michigan after graduation. Mom says he was a doctor for a lumber mill, and then a country doctor in Bellevue, Michigan. Bellevue is just outside of Battle Creek. My great-aunt Helen, his second daughter, in her bio, listed living in Battle Creek, Hickory Corners, Three Rivers, and then Bellevue, where she graduated from high school. Now that I think about it, when I went to Helen's funeral, she was buried in a cemetery way out in the country, near Olivet, so she may have been buried with her parents, and it may have been in Bellevue. I'm not sure, because I followed the funeral procession, and it was winter in Michigan so it was really frickin' cold.

Anyway, those are the facts I have at the moment, before I go through his papers, with just a tiny bit of internet research thrown in. Family legend has it that he lost an arm in France when he was a military doctor in WWI, and that he was an inventor. They say he invented a flush toilet. I'm sure it wasn't THE flush toilet, or somebody in my family would be rich right now, maybe even me. This is not the case.

In the next edition of "Finding Henry", I'll be sorting the postcards he sent Camilla from France by date and scanning in the first one or two. The address I've seen so far is to Mrs. H. E. MacLennan, Bellevue, Michigan, so we know they were there while he was deployed.