The first segment of Henry's military tour is spent at Camp Greenleaf, which is a medical officers' training camp attached to Fort Oglethorpe, Chickamauga National Park, Georgia. The fort is located just south of the Tennessee border, about 8 miles almost due south of Chattanooga, TN. The previous card and letter I posted are from Henry's first days at this camp. He was stationed there for one month.
I managed to find a very detailed explanation of the camp and how it was organized in the U.S. Army Medical Department archives. The report matches Henry's reporting exactly. At this time in history, medical officer training was combined with basic training, which is why there is no mention of "basic" in Henry's letters. They received basic training during the day, attended lectures and classes, and then were quizzed in the barracks at night.
The following two post cards are not dated or postmarked. I'm guessing at when they were written and inserting them in the timeline between his first full letter of August 17th, and the next one, which will follow these cards.
Dear Helen (Second daughter, age 11): This hotel is on top of the mountain. Nice place to spend weekends. There are many pretty houses about this hotel! Lots of white children with nigger mammys are about the lawns.
Next week I may send you and sisters some souvenirs.
I managed to find a very detailed explanation of the camp and how it was organized in the U.S. Army Medical Department archives. The report matches Henry's reporting exactly. At this time in history, medical officer training was combined with basic training, which is why there is no mention of "basic" in Henry's letters. They received basic training during the day, attended lectures and classes, and then were quizzed in the barracks at night.
Next week I may send you and sisters some souvenirs.
About time I had a line from you.
(front of card, text) Signal Mountain Inn, Near Chattanooga, Tenn.
(back of card, text) Signal Mountain all-year-round resort, forty minutes from Chattanooga by electric car or automobile, is one of the genuine surprises and treats for visitors. Although so convenient, and connected by modern transportation, it is amid rugged scenery. Two thousand feet altitude explains its cool, healthful air, and fine water. The hotel and many bungalows are built of pink sandstone.
D.C.: -If you remove horses from picture and imagine strong enough you can see me drilling for 2 hours every morning this week on this lawn.
Up and down we go from one end to another until the fat fellow(s) have to fall out . Several are liable to be cut loose at any moment.
No news for wk from you.
(front, text) "Cavalry Charge," U.S. Cavalry, Ft. Oglethorpe, Near Chattanooga, Tenn.
Envelope: Grand Hotel (fireproof), C.A. Brelsford, Proprietor, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Postmarked Chattanooga, Tenn., August 25, 6 p.m., 1918
Mrs. H E Mac Lennan, Bellevue, Mich.
Aug 23d, 1918
Dear Camilla: I am off on a bum for 24 hrs. Just to get away from same gang. I went up to the top of Signal Mt. this afternoon. It is a beautiful ride and more attractive on arrival. Evidently it is The Swell Resort. Big hotel very much dress and the only good looking women I have seen since coming South. Most of look as though they had the hook worm.
I am stopping at above named hotel. It is Grand in name only.
The South looks dirty and bedraggled as far as habitations are concerned. If one were rich and could have a beautiful house in Mountain it would be very fine. No southern town for mine otherwise. Heat here I do not notice as much as at home.
We get our fill of drill, lectures, quizes and more of thence. Food is fine and agress[sp] with all. I think I am gaining in weight although I wouldn't look it.
I wouldn't do anything more about statements until 1st of Sept then look accounts over and handle them according to age, payments etc. A little tact firmness will bring results on most of them. I have just about enough to last until pay day.
I would try if I were in your place to keep enough coming in so as you will not have to ek[sp] out until pay day. On first of Sept or last of this month take Bank book in to be balanced. You can get it after a couple days and you will know just how much you have on hand.
As I have a rondevoux with theatre I must beg out. Goodnight and all
Considering all that was written in the above three missives, I'm going to guess that the postcards were included in the envelope of the letter.
His observations about the south remind me that this was still very much the post-Civil War depression in that region. If my American history serves me, I think that World War I saw the beginnings of the end of that economic depression in the south. The cotton industry would have gone into overdrive to supply uniforms and bedding for the troops, and many forts, including Oglethorpe, were being hastily erected to serve the military demand for training and deployment.
Henry would have been quite familiar with the look of a person with hookworm by this point in his journey. The aforementioned report on the medical camp specifically mentions that soldiers were screened for it, and if positive, quarantined and treated for hookworm, automatically so if they came from areas known to have infestations.
I was glad to see he got a little rest and relaxation while he was at camp. I've glanced ahead a bit, and he's going to need it. Off to Florida for me now. I hope to post a bit while I'm gone, but if not, look for me next week, hopefully armed with all new gems of information.
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